TPCIGA was created by legislation enacted in 1971 by the 62nd Texas Legislature. TPCIGA was created to provide a mechanism for the payment of covered property and casualty claims; to avoid financial loss to claimants or policy holders because of the impairment of an insurer; to assist in the detection and prevention of insurer insolvencies; and to provide an association to assess the cost of that protection among insurers.


The City of Fort Worth Risk Management — a division of Human Resources — is charged with coordinating claims and litigation, loss prevention/loss control and city-owned commercial insurance programs.


The Target Markets Program Administrators Association is an organization dedicated to the unique challenges of Program Specialists. The TMPAA defines Program Business as insurance products targeted to a particular niche market or class, generally representing a book of similar risks placed with one carrier. Administration is done through Program Specialists who have developed an expertise in that market or class.